By Megan Lasley

As the global coronavirus pandemic affects millions of lives, I am lucky to be among those whose greatest change to date has been a new daily routine. Starting this week, all Lambert offices have shifted from on-site to online in order to help “flatten the curve.”

While many have had the opportunity to work from home twice a month in the past, working from home full-time requires a thoughtful approach and slight adjustments to the day-to-day.

With many other organizations preparing to make the shift, my colleagues and I have compiled some tips and best practices from our first few days working remotely.

Create a dedicated workspace

While the couch may seem like comfortable places to tackle emails, it can lead to discomfort, a less focused mindset, and can make you feel more tired. Create a space at your kitchen table, home desk, or another place where you can sit up straight and focus. Trust me, it will make you feel more productive.

Get dressed

Sure, staying in your pajamas all day may sound like a dream. However, sticking to your normal morning routine (shower, coffee, getting dressed, etc.) will offer a sense of normalcy and help you feel ready to tackle the day.

Digital meetings and face-to-face time

While I am only a few days in, I miss my co-workers already. Face-to-face time is easy to take for granted—until it’s gone. At Lambert, we recently began using Microsoft Teams and are prioritizing virtual “face-to-face” meetings. The opportunity to see faces, your colleagues’ homes, and of course, their pets and children, helps to create a sense of connectivity.

Step outside

Too many uninterrupted hours of screen time can lead to restlessness and limited productivity. Small breaks outside offer much-needed fresh air and a change in scenery. This time can also be used for brainstorming and lead to inspiration. Also, consider taking conference calls while out for a walk if you don’t need to reference documents on your computer or take notes.

Know you are not alone

We are all in uncharted territory. Feeling a sense of uncertainty regarding what is to come is normal. Prioritize your mental and physical health, and stay connected to friends, family and colleagues. We are all in this together.